Alien 3(1992) is a well known science fiction horror thriller, and the third installment of the Alien quadriolgy. It's about an escape pod on board a 'starship' That crash landed on a planet killing everyone but one, and unknown to her an alien egg was born in the ship, and going on a killing spree.
Many of the shots in Alien 3's opening credits show main characters and elements in the film. This was done to not only inform the viewers on who will be in the film and where it will take place, but to leave them asking questions about why the characters are in that situation and where they exatcly are. By doing this, it leaves the audience feeling tense and wanting to watch the film to answer their pending questions.
In the first shot, it shows a black background showing the name of the film in a clear white font. This was done to build the audience's nerves and make them wonder what is going to happen next. It then goes to a scene with a character asleep in what appears to be an escape pod. The lighting used is slightly misty, which is used to confuse the audience, asking why it would be like that. By the mist being there, it impares the shots of the characters, building suspense, leaving the viewers not knowing that could be in the mist.
In the next two shots it shows the alien itself. The lightly has significantly changed, from being quite bright and misty, to dark and clear. This was done as dark is often percieved to mean horror, and by making the shot clear, it gives the audience a chance to see exactly what the alien looks like. This shot was made purely to scare the demographic.
The other shots in the credits are unclear of exactly what they are, but this was done purposely to confuse the audience again, and make them want to watch the whole film, to understand what is happening.
In all of the shots, no credits to the people who participated in making the film are on screen, this was done because the shots in the opening sequence is already quite busy, with a lot of things happening and going on for the viewer to look at and concerntrate on. If their were also credits on screen, the viewer attention would be diverted, so the effect of the tension the shots are trying to build would not be as effective.
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